alot of things to sigh about.
forgot to bring my hp to school =.= woke up like 6:50 am and found my hp under my pillow. cause i slept at uhm, i 1 or 2 am, then got too sleepy i just left it under the pillow!
i've been putting it under my pillow lately! nowonder i feel so stupid.
T.T ohman...k i'll try not to put it there today! Lol.
firstly, exam papers. we got back everything.
some lousy, some good, some okay.
chinese, paper one only 74.5. lost all those
those that require studying got quite okay, zaoju minus 1 mark.
but the rest
summore got zuowen, its the lowest score i've ever gotten in my entire sec school life.
got some stupid score of 30+ out of 60, tell me how bad that is? failed my content, lucky the languange pull me up. if not sure fail.
yingyongwen still okay, quite glad that i chose gong han. i'm too lazy to write a looonnng sihan.
notbad bah.
ahaha then got kou shi, i'm supersupersupersupersupersuper HAPPY. no idea why got so high, all i did was smile and smile and smile at the teacher. ahaha. lalalalala~
overall didn't even get A1 =.=
got a lowscore of A2, gahhh.
k that's all i have for chinese, then we got back science.
Righhtttt. like my science was ever good. lost alot of marks at bio, and some careless mistakes. B3, i hate that. somehow i don't find physics so irritating now, just like how i actually find maths
then was hist
didn't really study for the front chapters, therefore lost manymanymany marks at first section, where most people scored veryhigh at. the first two sections sorta flunked it, the rest of the paper still okay. at least my SBQ improved (because i got TOO low at the ct) another B3 for me. ohyah likewow. i don't like history. nonono.
then Maths
i'm considerably happy, although the marks i got would probably make normal people go "omg i got so low!" nonetheless, i'm still happy! hehe, scraped an A1, yay. thanks to my wonderful brother and Annia! k lah, its still not high, cause there's people who scored 90+. sigh. maths....
then Geog
hmm, i got a shock at first when i got back the paper, cus i didnt' know it wasn't upon 100mrks. lol. 1 more mark can get A1, only that geog teachers don't give us the marks nomatter what =.=
was desperately looking for some marks i can claim, still found nothing in the end. gahhh. so far results still not good, then i got so depressed when i got back
compre was very low, summary also sucked. only found like, 7 points out of 15? language still okay, cause i spent quite some time paraphrasing the words. but 7 points? man, that's really bad. and i'm pretty sure i flunked my oral and compo and letterwriting, probably gonna get some B4 or C5 score. gahhhh. sigh. sigh. sigh.
so i got really depressed after i got back my english and my mood was pretty bad for the rest of the day.
but the average mark surely suck, what if i can't get into biochemgeoglit?
ohmanohmanohmanohman. SIGH.
after school...
did some survey questions on maths, sci and geog for around 2 hours then went for choir.
that survey was just like an exam paper, o.O exams even after the exams. lucky marks not counted. at the end got some questionnaire to fill in about ourselves. rahh.
after that ate lunch and went for choir, sang for 10 minutes then mr. tan talked to us for awhile about the malacca trip, and also about some choir olympics in 2008.
not sure if we're going, but its europe! really want to go, but on second thought, i need to concentrate on o'levels in sec4, and plus my singing ain't that good. sometimes i just feel so useless, no idea why, but i never can seem to get my support right even if i really tried. sigh?
went home afterwards, and there was haze all over. i heard sb say psi was around 128. !
i might die of lungcancer oneday!
then went home, played some com games, those really lame ones, ate dinner and didn't want to eat. still felling depressed =.=
lessons learnt? one thing that makes me feel depressed are getting ALL my exam scripts IN ONE GO.
just one of those reasons. many things that can make me feel depressed today.
plus the hazy weather? forget it, i'm not gonna be a happy person that goes hahaha today.
sigh. sigh. sigh.
maybe shooting games will help? bangbangbang! everybody shall die, then in the end there's nobody left on this planet. ):
nah, i don't like that. i like people to talk to, so how now?
talktalktalktalktalk. nobody's in the mood to talk. gahhhh.
talk to me if you have free time. hopefully you won't get depressed by talking to me?
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